Neil Patrick Harris Stages a ‘HIMYM’ Reunion on ‘Best Time Ever’

Robin and Barney may not have enjoyed a long, happy marriage on How I Met Your Mother, but it’s good to see that their real-world counterparts, Neil Patrick Harris and Cobie Smulders, are still close pals off-screen. That’s how NPH was able to snag Smulders and her real-life spouse, Saturday Night Live star Taran Killam, for a prank on Tuesday night’s installment of his new NBC series, Best Time Ever.

The duo volunteered for a hidden camera game called “Voices in Your Head,” in which Smulders met with several party planners who dropped by to help her organize a third anniversary shindig. Unbeknownst to them, however, the whole thing was an act, as NPH and Killam were dictating increasingly-crazy directions and dialogue to Smulders via an earpiece. For example, when she greeted one planner at the door, the proverbial “voices in her head” ordered Smulders to say, “There’s my new best-westy party planner,” in a baby voice. The actress also had to break into an impromptu song, gargle a glass of wine, and direct her shirtless houseboy (another NPH gag) to jump into the pool. It’s all funny, but if they really wanted to make this the “best time ever” they should have made room for a Robin Sparkles cameo.

Best Week Ever airs Tuesdays at 10 p.m. on NBC