Miss Colombia Clowns Steve Harvey on His Own Show: ‘Learn How to Read’ (Video)

Miss Colombia is trying her best to be a good sport about Steve Harvey‘s horrible Miss Universe flub, but it was unclear at points how much actual fun she was having during an appearance on his daytime talk show Tuesday — and how much of it is still sour grapes.

Harvey asked guest Ariadna Gutierrez for her honest reaction to how he handled the situation, when he mistakingly crowned her Miss Universe due to a cue card misreading.

“You have to learn how to read cards,” she replied, fully deadpanned. “It was on the card.”

Gutierrez, whose first language is obviously not English, did laugh after her remark. The two then high-fived and agreed that they simply both wanted her to win.

Also Read: Miss Universe Host Steve Harvey Announces Wrong Winner (Video)

“I thought you were about to make a joke,” she explained her own reaction at the time. “You know, like Oprah: ‘You’re Miss Universe, You’re Miss Universe – Everyone is Miss Universe!'”

“That woulda been the worst damn joke I’ve ever written in my life,” Harvey countered.

Watch the video above.

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