‘Life in Pieces’ Preview: Watch Jen and Colleen Play Short Family Bingo

Jen has suffered through, er, enjoyed, a lot of Short family brunches through the years as Greg’s wife, and in the “Musical Motel Property Bingo” episode of Life in Pieces airing Thursday, she’s giddy to realize she now has a partner with whom to mock her in-laws’ quirky ways.

In the preview clip above, the latest Short family feast begins with Joan pulling a trick on Greg that involves a rooster plate. The entire family — sans Jen and Colleen — crack up when they go on to explain the backstory behind the dish. Colleen looks to Jen for further explanation, and Jen points out the harsh truth: This is just one of many, many instances to come where anyone missing Short DNA will simply not get the fam’s sense of humor.

“There seems to be something in their genetic makeup that makes them think that story is frickin’ hilarious,” Jen says. “Sadly, I know everything that these people will say and do for the next two hours.”

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But happily, the always droll Jen has a solution; she and Colleen can amuse themselves with a game of Short Family Bingo, in which the winner is the player who can predict the most repeat behaviors, such as John’s habit of making inappropriate comments in front of his grandchildren and doing something creepy with Cheeto, his DIY puppet.

Elsewhere in the episode, Tyler and Clementine decide to move out of Tim and Heather’s house; Heather, Greg, and Matt suspect their mama is having an affair; and Andy Richter guest stars as the high school musical director who irks Heather when he doesn’t cast Samantha in the school play.

Life in Pieces airs Thursdays at 9:30 p.m. on CBS.