Legends of Tomorrow: Jewel Staite Cast as a Future Genius With Ties to...?

Jewel Staite is being called upon to assist the Legends of Tomorrow.

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TVLine has learned exclusively that the Firefly and Stargate Atlantis alum will guest-star on the The CW’s upcoming, timey-wimey Arrow/Flash offshoot as Rachel Turner, a tech genius/roboticist who exists in a future in which technology has an even firmer grip on our lives than it does today. (Which apparently is possible…? I will let you know after I TweetBook a photo of my breakfast.)

A descendant of a long line of inventors — one of whom turns out to be someone from the DC Universe! — Rachel believes that her creations can make that world a better place. Alas, what the brilliant beauty cannot foresee is that her work is destined to fall into the hands of immortal baddie Vandal Savage, who will use it to take over the world. Unless Rachel can team up with the Legends to stop him.

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Staite’s TV credits also include The Killing (as D.A. Caroline Swift, Holder’s girlfriend,) The L.A. Complex and Wonderfalls. She joins a Legends guest star lineup that thus far includes Matt Nable (Arrow‘s Ra’s al Ghul), Neal McDonough (Arrow‘s Damien Darhk), Stephanie Corneliusse (Mr. Robot) and Ali Liebert (Strange Empire).

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DC’s Legends of Tomorrow premieres Thursday, Jan. 21 at 8/7c, where it will lead into Season 3 of The 100. Staite will appear in Episode 10.

Want more scoop on DC’s Legends of Tomorrow, or for any other show? Email insideline@tvline.com and your question may be answered via Matt’s Inside Line.

Launch Gallery: <i>DC's Legends of Tomorrow</i> Season 1 Photos

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