‘Kocktails With Khloé’ Needs Work

If you can imagine a world lacking in Kardashian-driven television programs, you don’t have to imagine it anymore because there is yet another Kardashian-driven television program on the air! Kocktails With Khloé premiered on FYI Wednesday night and brought us a full hour of Khloé and Kendall and their signature forgoing of proper spelling in honor of their brand. It hit a few bumps along the road in the first episode. For example, Khloé spends a lot of time getting excited about the doorbell when it rings, then walking all the way from the kitchen to the door, expressing more excitement in greeting her guest at the door, then walking all the way back to the kitchen, and repeating the whole thing for two more guests. That time might be better spent playing Khloé’s parlor games, like Swiper, in which they swipe right if the photo onscreen is someone they’d “want to bang,” or Do Me, a game played as if the truth part of Truth or Dare met many of the drinking games you may have played in college. Khloé seems to be a gracious hostess who asks provocative questions in a safe space, but sadly it was hard to hear the answers because after all the kocktails, her guests talked over one another. The show scored big points for extra-special guest Snoop Dogg, who, not surprisingly, brought his own party favors.

Watch Khloé and Kendall prank call Kim during the show:

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