Kevin Hart Teaches Conan to Work Out

On Conan, Kevin Hart joined Conan O’Brien at a local Los Angeles gym for a workout and some friendly competition. Kevin Hart has made himself known recently for his daily workouts that he promotes via his social networks. He’s gotten so popular for his workouts that Nike has actually sponsored him. And the comedian was fully dressed up in his Nike duds, while the late night talk show host boasted a Nike shirt with Reebok shorts, claiming he was getting paid twice as much. Conan got very competitive early on with Hart, as the two started with a pull up competition, but Hart easily cleared the pull up bar, while Conan ended up needing a leg up. The two of them also had a sparring session with Biggest Loser trainer Kim Widerstrom, who challenged them both, although Hart barely worked up a sweat, while O’Brien at times was a bit out of breath.