Jimmy Fallon’s Bernie Sanders Impression Is Maybe Better Than Larry David’s

Jimmy Fallon is challenging Larry David to see who can do the best Bernie Sanders impression. On The Tonight Show Wednesday, Fallon spoofed Bernie’s New Hampshire primary victory speech. “I’m speaking tonight to claim victory in the New Hampshire primary over ‘She Who Must Not Be Named,’” Fallon quipped as he impersonated Sanders. Complete with the wild white hair, glasses, and hunched shoulders, Fallon delivered a pretty spot-on mimicry of Sanders’s accent and gesticulations. “You have spoken and your message is loud and clear: You want the candidate that looks like a ‘Scooby-Doo’ villain before his mask is removed,” Fallon joked.

Of course, Larry David has received much-deserved love for his take on the Vermont senator on Saturday Night Live. While Fallon’s impression was a more general version of the Democratic presidential candidate, David and the team at SNL have honed parodying Sanders’s disdain for the billionaire class. “I need you to go home, open your closet, pull out your vacuum, dump it upside down, and send me all the pennies that fall out of it,” David joked in a parody of Sanders at a town hall meeting. “That’s right, I’m Bernie Sanders and I want your vacuum pennies.”

As for Fallon, he ended his sketch with a nod to the lady of the moment (and probably most moments), Beyoncé. “Right now, I want to celebrate with my wife, and let’s just say that afterward she will be taking my a** to Red Lobster,” he shouted. “Cue the music!”

This Bernie Sanders, George Steinbrenner Mashup Is the Best Thing You’ll See All Day:

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