Jay Leno Debuts New Television Show

Jay Leno’s Garage premiered Wednesday on CNBC. After several years of success on YouTube, the comedy brought his show to television in an hourlong segment. The debut episode was all about muscle cars, an era in American motoring that most would say lasted from 1964 to 1972.

Jay visited fellow comedian Tim Allen, who has a very impressive car collection in his own right, and the two ended up doing burnouts in the new Dodge Hellcat. Also on hand were several motor-sport enthusiasts and celebrities including NHRA champion Erica Enders-Stevens, future NASCAR Hall of Famer Jimmie Johnson, and auto appraiser Donald Osborne.

In a world of fake “nonscripted” auto shows like Fast N’ Loud, which are mainly about workshop turmoil and imaginary deadlines, Jay Leno’s Garage is certainly more geared toward the genuine car enthusiast.

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