Insufferable Millennials Saved by Insufferable Storm on 'Survivor' Premiere

Survivor 33 premiered on Wednesday, and this time the show pitted contestants from Generation-X (Takali Tribe) against Millennials (Vanua Tribe). The show defines Gen-X as anyone born between 1963 and 1982, and they define Millennials as anyone born between 1984 and 1997. The two generations of contestants were dumped onto a small island in Fiji where they subsequently battled it out for camp supplies and the immunity challenge. It was the members of the Vanua tribe that really garnered most attention. One player named Taylor described himself like, "My generation, it's all about doing what you want to do, and I've done a lot: beekeeper, I brewed beer, snowboard instructor, I've gone to North Dakota." The Vanua tribe elected to goof off instead of build a shelter on the first day and it ended up costing them when a storm rolled in that even. Tribe member Hannah said, "You could feel people mentally breaking down. It felt like it was endless, I could hear the booming, the thunder and the lightning, and we saw the storm from far out in the water making its way to us. It was like this monster was coming to get us and punish us for not building a shelter." Fortunately for the millennials they only had to endure one night of misery because the storm was upgraded to a cyclone and for the first time in 33 seasons the contestants were evacuated.