Hurricane Chad Blows Into ‘Bachelor in Paradise’

On Tuesday’s season premiere of Bachelor in Paradise, many of the contestants were hoping for love, but they got a whole bunch of drama when the infamous Chad showed up. Chad was asked to leave the past season of The Bachelorette for threatening multiple contestants.

He hoped to have a second shot at love, but unfortunately he followed the second shot with a third, fourth, and fifth shot. On the first night, Chad got belligerently drunk and repeatedly insulted Lace, a contestant who initially was attracted to him.

When Carly tried to confront the very drunk Chad, he said, “F*** that one-armed b****.” Ever the wordsmith, Daniel said of his buddy: “When he’s intoxicated, he’s, like, you know, a crazy drunk poet, who’s f***ed a pirate.”

Chad continued his rampage into the night. In the morning, Chris Harrison called all the contestants together and asked Chad to leave. Hurricane Chad stormed out, slamming production equipment and even challenging Chris Harrison himself.

Bachelor in Paradise airs Tuesdays at 8 p.m. on ABC.

Watch Chad return on The Bachelorette: Men Tell All:

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