'The Gifted' series premiere has true Marvel fans excited about multiple surprises

On the series premiere of Fox’s The Gifted, we were introduced to a parallel present world where mutants are prevalent in society but are victimized.

Unfortunately, iconic and popular X-Men characters like Wolverine, Professor X and Magneto were nowhere to be found, but we were gifted with a legend who made one of his always admired guest cameos: Stan Lee. Lee pleasantly surprised viewers as he walked out of a spot called Tex’s Lounge, which also happened to only have the “X” lit up on its sign, as Marcos Diaz, also known as Eclipse, walked in. However, Lee and the “X” weren’t the only Easter eggs. There was also a moment when Eclipse’s phone rang and his ringtone just so happened to be the theme song from the original X-Men: The Animated Series from the ’90s. Ahh, the nostalgia.

Other than the subtle references to the X-Men franchise we all know and love, the premiere was filled with action, fun characters, and a touching family dynamic — and so far, fans are totally loving the new series.

The Gifted airs Sundays at 9 p.m. on Fox. Watch clips and full episodes of The Gifted for free on Yahoo View.

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