Geraldo Rivera Defends Trump’s Presidency on ‘Today’

Geraldo Rivera capped off a week of looking back at talk show titans of yesteryear on Today. He and Matt Lauer briefly touched on Rivera’s more memorable career moments, like when he got his nose broken during a brawl on an episode of his show involving neo-Nazis and the time he opened Al Capone’s vault on live TV only to find it empty. (They noticeably left out the time he gave away the position of the 101st Airborne in Iraq on live TV.) But it was the subject of Donald Trump, whom Rivera has interviewed multiple times over the years, that dominated the conversation. Though he doesn’t agree with everything Trump has done as president, Rivera came to his friend’s defense.

“The things he’s done about Mexicans, and Muslims, and Megyn Kelly, and others, that I totally disapprove of. But on the other hand, we’ve all made a lot of money in the stock market since he’s been elected,” Rivera said.

Obviously, the second part of that statement is true for only a handful of Americans.

Rivera also said that given the chance, he’d ask Trump if he really believes what he says or if he’s just trying to appease the people who helped propel him to the presidency. Despite saying that Trump isn’t behaving like the Donald he thought he knew, he still believes that Trump’s doing a good job. Rivera also realizes that many Americans would disagree with his assessment of Trump.

“I give him a B right now. A lot of people give him an F,” Rivera said.

Rivera also said he’s delighted that Trump nominated Alex Acosta for the position of secretary of labor because that would bring more diversity to his staff. As a federal prosecutor in Florida, Acosta was known for making a deal with billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, giving Epstein a lighter sentence.

Check out what Maury Povich says was the craziest thing to happen on his show:

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