'Game of Thrones' Season 6 Teaser Brings Back Bran Stark

Ever since Jon Snow (apparently) died at the end of Game of Thrones’s fifth-season finale, countless fan theories have been advanced about how the Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch may have survived his brutal assassination. In this just-released teaser for Season 6, HBO finally has an answer for all these conspiracy theorists: “They have no idea what’s going to happen.” So says Bran Stark (Isaac Hempstead-Wright), the young Warg-in-training who we last saw way back in Season 4, taking up residence in a cave beneath the Heart Tree, located far north of the Wall.

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In case you’ve forgotten after his season-long absence, Bran’s Warg powers grant him the ability to project his mind into other creatures. But he still needs help honing this ability — and mastering other skills besides. Enter the Westerosi answer to Jedi master Yoda: the Three Eyed Raven, played by legendary character actor, Max von Sydow. (He replaces Struan Rodger, who appeared as the Raven in the Season 4 finale.) That’s Von Sydow’s voice you’re hearing in the teaser’s opening moments, describing how “the past is already written.” That kicks off a montage of some of the show’s many deaths, culminating with Jon lying there bleeding into the… well, snow. But one imagines that Bran isn’t about to let his beloved half-brother shuffle off this mortal coil without a fight, especially if — according to another popular fan theory — Jon has a touch of the Warg about him as well.

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See that, HBO? We may have no idea what’s going to happen — but we’re still gonna keep on guessing.

Game of Thrones Season 6 premieres in April on HBO.