'The Flash' Fall Finale Presents Future Full of Tragedy

On The Flash midseason finale, The Flash made a rare trip the future, and the tragedy he witnessed there made him realize he had to learn to live in the present. But, Barry Allen couldn't do it all on his own. He had a little help from the original Flash, Jay Garrick. "I've never run to the future," Barry said. "I've traveled to the past, but I always came back to the present." While five months in the future, Barry witnessed his future self holding a dying Iris West in his arms. Meanwhile, back in the present, Jay, the fellow speedster from Earth Three, gave Barry a little pep talk. "The future isn't written yet. And, it might not even turn out to be what you saw," Jay said. "You need to focus on the here and now. You have to live your life." Later, but still in the present, Barry took his relationship with Iris to the next level. "I couldn't sleep on Cisco's couch anymore, and your place is sort of small for two, Barry told Iris. "So I signed a lease and I put both of our names on it."