‘Family Feud’ Viral All-Stars Revisit Embarrassing Moments With Steve Harvey

On The Steve Harvey Show, host Steve Harvey welcomed past Family Feud contestants who gave answers so egregious on the game show that video clips of them went viral. According to Harvey, the clips had views ranging from around 5.5 million to over 20 million.

One of the former contestants, from Harvey’s first season as host, is a pastor from Georgia. He answered “naked grandma” for something a burglar would not want to see when he breaks into the house. He blamed the answer on a routine from comic Jeff Foxworthy. He said it’s still embarrassing, because people would see him in public and yell: “Naked grandma!”

Cecilia and Sheila were teammates on the Feud. It was up to Sheila to give a word someone might use instead of “mother.” According to Harvey, it took 22 minutes to finally get a satisfactory answer, and most of the choices had to be cut from the final show.

Darci said that she and her family spent a lot of time practicing before going on the show and that she was prepared to answer quickly. Once on the show, Darci did answer quickly but before giving that answer much thought. She answered “gerbil” for something a doctor might pull out of a person, and she immediately began shaking her head. Her opponent, meanwhile, couldn’t contain himself and began to laugh loudly.

Former contestant Rocco put himself into a tight spot when he appeared in the “Fast Money” segment of Feud:

Harvey’s clue was: “Name a job that’s dirty but somebody’s gotta do it.” Rocco replied: “Plumber.” When the buzzer sounded, signaling that answer had already been used, Rocco said: “Gynecologist.”

Rocco was engaged and only two months away from getting married at the time. His wife-to-be ended up marrying him, but he said that she understands that every once in a while, something dumb is going to come out of his mouth.

And then there’s Punkin and Will, contestants whose video has, according to Harvey, gotten so many views on YouTube that they lost track. Punkin shouted her answer so loudly at the podium that Harvey couldn’t understand her, so she spelled it out for him … incorrectly. And Will got clever with his answer to what’s a word that might come after the word “pork.” Will answered, “upine,” which got a blank-faced reaction from Harvey.

Check out the video message LeBron James made for the Season 5 premiere of the ‘The Steve Harvey Show’:

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