Even Patton Oswalt Can’t Make Mike Huckabee’s Terrible Twitter Jokes Funny (Video)

Even Patton Oswalt Can’t Make Mike Huckabee’s Terrible Twitter Jokes Funny (Video)

Former Arkansas governor and failed presidential candidate Mike Huckabee has become notorious in recent months for using his Twitter feed as a forum for terrible jokes inspired by current events.

Often as mean-spirited as they are unfunny, they’re also usually completely indecipherable.

You know, kind of like a dadaist take on the classic dad joke — if dad liked poop jokes, Ambien references, and of course, taking transphobic, homophobic cracks at the expense of murder victims.

Also Read: Patton Oswalt Says His Wife's Death Made Him See the World for 'What it Really Is'

But what if the problem wasn’t the jokes, just the person telling them?

That’s the question Jimmy Kimmel set out to answer Thursday by inviting Patton Oswalt to appear onto his late-night his ABC show to see if he could breathe life into Huckabee’s parade of non sequiturs, botched pop culture references, and bad puns.

Also Read: Patton Oswalt's 7-Year-Old Daughter Mocks Donald Trump With Adorable Emoji Art


So it is that Oswalt came out on stage and stood in front of a backdrop of a fake comedy club called Yuk Yuckabee’s, to repeat three of Governor Huckabee’s greatest hits. Did Oswalt manage to wring genuine laughs out of the material, proving that Mike just needs more seasoning at local open mic nights?

Spoiler alert: He did not. Damn, those jokes are terrible.

Watch the whole thing above.


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