'Duck Dynasty' Gets Infested with Lice

Wednesday's episode of Duck Dynasty left some viewers sympathy-scratching their heads. The crew over at Duck Commander managed to get themselves into a parasitic situation when Jep Robertson brought a lice infested hat into the office. After the crew tried on Jep's silly hat, they soon found their heads and beards infested with the little bugs. This was no surprise to Jep's brother Jace who said, When you have beards and as much hair as my family does, it's not a matter of if you're going to get lice, it's when." Kay Robertson whipped up a home remedy to help kill the infestation but the smell almost killed the boys, except for Si. Si refused to take an treatment because he claimed to be immune to lice after having suffered from an infestation when he was 5. Luckily for the gang they were able to get rid of the lice, even though they were left smelling less than desirable.