Drew Carey Officiates Mass Wedding on ‘Price is Right’

Drew Carey hosted more than just a game show when he married all of the couples in the studio audience on Friday's episode of The Price is Right.

Said a delighted Carey, "Honestly, I feel so good being here. It's amazing. We went online and now I'm allowed to marry people in the state of California. Thanks for trusting me with your wedding vows."

At the end of the day’s episode, Carey led the ceremony saying, “We are gathered here today at the Bob Barker studio, to join these couples together in marriage. Thank you for letting us all share this special moment in your lives. Will everybody please join hands and declare that you commit to each other by declaring "I do." In the big wheel of love, may you always spin a dollar. And by the power vested in me by the state of California, I now pronounce you all married. Kiss away. Congratulations.

The Price is Right airs on CBS weekdays at 11am.