Drew Barrymore Talks About Physical and Emotional Transformation While Filming Netflix Comedy

Drew Barrymore, along with co-star Timothy Olyphant, joined Today, where Barrymore talked about losing weight for their new Netflix comedy, Santa Clarita Diet. In the show, Barrymore plays Sheila, a suburban mother who turns into a zombie and develops a taste for human flesh. Due to her character’s new diet, Barrymore lost weight while filming the show to make her suburban zombie character more realistic.

“If you’re eating, in her case human flesh, I basically thought, ‘Well, if a woman was just eating simple protein every day all day long, she would lose weight.’ It’s a very macabre Atkins,” Barrymore joked.

On a more serious note, Barrymore said the timing of this latest gig couldn’t have been any better.

“It came in the middle of a moment in my life where I had sort of let myself go due to personal circumstances. And I thought, ‘I could come alive with Sheila.’ And it was a really great goal line for me.”

Barrymore also admitted to having a lot in common with her carnivorous character, but not the flesh-eating part. She definitely does not have that in common with Sheila.

“I think as much as the weight loss, everything’s very subtle. It’s attitudinal. It’s empowerment. It’s confidence. It’s all of these things that she’s lost in her life, that I feel like I had sort of lost in my life. And it was such a blessing to come alive with her, and it really was so positive for me,” Barrymore said.

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