Dave Chappelle’s Message to Trump: ‘If You Can Get Over Yourself, You Can Do So Much’

In a rare interview with Gayle King of CBS This Morning, Dave Chappelle had a message for Donald Trump: Drop the ego and get to work. Chappelle didn’t just say that to be critical of Trump; it’s something he had to do himself after being booed off stage at the Oddball Comedy & Curiosity Festival in Hartford, Conn., in August 2013.

It's the episode of SNL we needed following the election, right from the surprisingly peaceful opening of Kate McKinnon's rendition of the late Leonard Cohen's
Dave Chappelle hosting “Saturday Night Live” on Nov. 12, 2016. (Credit: Will Heath/NBC)

“The key to getting over this is getting over yourself. [If] you can get over yourself, you can do so much stuff. I hope Donald Trump is watching this. If you can get over yourself, you can do so much,” Chappelle said.

Though he specifically spoke to Trump, he also shared his thoughts on people in general.

Chappelle said, “We get these narratives in our minds about how our lives should go and how things should play out, and there’s all this heroic music in it and all this stuff. Sometimes we’re Keystone cops. Sometimes I’m the idiot. Sometimes I’m the fool. Sometimes I’m the villain. So you get over yourself, and you can actually get something done.”

Check out Tomi Lahren defending being both pro-Trump and pro-choice on ‘The View’

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