Celebrate National Poultry Day With a Look at Our Favorite TV Chickens

Today (March 19) is National Poultry Day, and to help celebrate our favorite-feathered friends, we’ve highlighted some of television’s greatest chickens for your viewing pleasure!

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While technically, the definition of “poultry” includes chickens, turkeys, ducks, and geese; we couldn’t resist featuring just our favorite chickens.

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And no list of TV chickens is complete without Foghorn Leghorn from the Looney Tunes cartoons, Ernie the Giant Chicken from Family Guy and Camilla from The Muppet Show.

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In addition, a few real chickens wormed their way into some of our favorite TV shows, including Adele the chicken on Please Like Me, Tiara Soleim’s chicken Sheila, from the most recent season of The Bachelor, and the jail-yard chicken on Orange Is the New Black. And bridging the gap between humans and fowl, there is the Chicken Lady from The Kids in the Hall!