Toonces, Look Out!

"Live! with Kelly": Well that finally explains why Magnum PI always wore splashy Hawaiian shirts - they let him display all his favorite colors of JujyFruits! I guess when you're a big Hollywood star, you can afford getting a lot of fillings. Sigh… movie stars... they get the best dental coverage.

"GMA": Ok, this is a troubling trend: Norman the Amazing Scooter Dog, who was last seen scooting himself through Times Square on last fall, is now back, with a new trick and a new name: Norman the Amazing Bicycle-Pedaling Dog? Hey, don't get me wrong, it was impressive. But where will this all end? I really don't want to wake up one morning next year to read about Norman, the Driving Dog, who led police on a three-state high-speed chase. Toonces, look out!

"Jeremy Kyle": How does Jeremy Kyle not understand why a guy would play video games all day long? I mean just because the guy has a kid with his girlfriend and no job, does that mean he supposed to go out and look for work all day? Heck no! Playing video games is way more fun than that, get with the program, Jeremy!

"Wendy Williams": I love the "Celebrity Fan Out" segment that Wendy does where fans send in photos of them with celebs! And while the Tom Cruise photo was a highlight, my favorite one had to be the fans that got a shot with Miley Cyrus, who looked noticeably annoyed in the photo! Because the only thing better than getting your picture with a famous person, is getting your picture with a famous person who wants nothing to do with you!

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