There’s Some Stars Upon Thars!

"Ellen": Now I'm no Dr. Seuss, but I took a look at what Nicki Minaj had on under her bra-- sorry, her "top", today, and I'm pretty sure those were Sneetches, because there's some stars upon thars…

"Today": Who knew that Howard Stern and Matt Lauer were such good friends? I wonder what they have in common, you know besides both being talk show hosts. I'm sure there's millions and millions and millions of things they have in common but I just can't think of one. Is it similar hairstyles? No, that's not it. Oh well, I'm sure something will come to me next time I'm laughing all the way to the bank!

"The View": Wow, I've never seen this show devote as much time to a guest as they did with Howard Stern today. They gave him like more than half of the show! There's nothing wrong with that of course, but I get the feeling that when President Obama comes by next week he'll be ushered out after one segment to make room for more hot topics!

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