‘Biggest Loser’ Contestant Consumed 460 Pounds of Sugar a Year

On Monday’s The Biggest Loser, the contestants were confronted with the hard facts of their former lives. Dr. Robert Huizenga presented the amount of sugar contestant Colby consumed in a single year. Colby admitted to drinking six sodas, three sweet teas, six glasses of juice, and a sports drink every day. That amount of sugar added up to 460 pounds of sugar in one year. The doctor then uncovered a sheet with that amount of sugar piled under it. He then showed Toy the 218 pounds of excess fat on her body; the doctor poured bucket after bucket of fat into a large aquarium. The contestants were disgusted by the sight. Scarier still, the doctor calculated the date when Rob would die based on his unhealthy lifestyle. It’s Dec. 14, 2020. Rob was shocked that the date was less than five years away. The contestants then vowed to change their lives. To celebrate their new health, Dr. Huizenga said, “I’d like all of us to meet and we’ll have a party at my house on Dec. 14, 2020.”

The Biggest Loser airs Mondays at 9 pm on NBC.

Watch Toy’s Heart Wrenching Inspiration for losing weight.

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