'Arrow' Finale Recap: All's Terrible That Ends Well

The finale of Arrow aired Wednesday night and the while the ending seemed to be happy, all the characters seemed to be bummed. Damien Darhk gained control of Rubicon again and wasted no time launching thousands of nuclear missiles. Fortunately Felicity figured out how to redirect the missiles when they came in range and soon after was able to get back into Rubicon and stop the missile strike all together. Was there a celebration? Nope. Damien Darhk still had all his magical power and he duked it out with Oliver in a massive street fight. When it seemed like Oliver might lose, the people of Star City came to his aid and helped him fight Darhk and his soldiers. With e citizens help Oliver was able to kill Darhk and end the threat. Was there a celebration? Nope. In the end it was one giant pity party as all the recent drama was too much for Quentin Lance, Thea Queen, and John Diggle to handle. So the three main characters left Team Oliver in search for inner peace. Apparently the only characters currently slotted to return next season are Oliver and Felicity. Also, the episode ended with Oliver being sworn in as the mayor of Star City. Who knows what next season will have in store, but the finale kinda felt like the end of T.S. Eliot's poem The Hollow Men: "This is the way the world ends / Not with a bang but a whimper."