Alex Trebek’s Funniest Quips of the Week on ‘This Week in Game Shows’

It was a slow week for game shows, with everything on hiatus except for one show: Jeopardy! Fortunately, we had the quick wit of host Alex Trebek to pull us through.

Trebek is best known for asking impossibly difficult questions to brainiac contestants — and not so much for his humor. But, given the chance, he’ll make a joke even us mere mortals can understand.

His best moments come when it’s time to meet the contestants, because nothing makes a story about running with the bulls in Spain better than a funny quip from Trebek to top it off.

And whether it’s about a question, a category, or an answer so wrong he just can’t help himself, Trebek never misses the chance to inject some entertainment into an otherwise slow and difficult game.

Watch a video of Rosie O’Donnell rekindling her feud with Donald Trump on Match Game:

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