'Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.' Recap: Hydra Goes Down, Fitz and Simmons Get Down


Warning: This recap for the “The Singularity” episode of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. contains spoilers.

Daisy’s betrayal has hurt S.H.I.E.L.D., but S.H.I.E.L.D. strikes back — and we may have seen the last of Hydra this week. Fitz and Simmons finally get together, and are we building to the biggest Marvel TV/movie crossover of all time? Let’s discuss.

Related: ‘S.H.I.E.L.D.’ Postmortem: Chloe Bennet on Daisy’s Betrayal

The Plot

Lincoln tries to rescue Alisha (aka Ginger Ninja, Alicia Vela-Bailey), but she’s already been swayed by Hive. Two of Alisha’s doubles are killed, leaving only the original left. Daisy and Hive get extra chummy as they track down James (Axle Whitehead), keeper of the Kree artifact that can destroy Hive. He refuses to give it up, so they break a Terrigen crystal and Hive sways him as soon as he emerges from his cocoon. S.H.I.E.L.D. tracks down the scientist (John Hannah) that Hive was trying to eliminate when he destroyed the Transia lab. Fitz and Simmons infiltrate a transhuman club to protect him, but Daisy interrupts them and kidnaps the scientist to recreate the Kree experiment that created Hive in the first place. Meanwhile, Talbot uses Gideon’s information to take down all the remaining Hydra bases.

FitzSimmons 4Eva!

That was the sound of a million nerdgasms all happening at the same time. Fitz and Simmons finally do the deed! But not before — and this is key — the sort of equivocating and overthinking that makes the consummation of their relationship so satisfying in the first place. Fitz’s stumbling preamble — “That’s why, as- as- as things progress with our, um… We should consider all variables as we move forward because things are bound to get complicated” — is pitch perfect. The show has never hit a wrong note with these two as a couple; it’s never been rushed and it’s never felt like the obstacles in their way were silly, Three’s Company-style misunderstandings. Just perfect.


Also, a separate shout-out to Jemma for going toe-to-toe with an Inhuman god and winning. Ward’s face fills Coulson with guilt; Nathaniel reminds Gideon of his betrayal; but Jemma doesn’t buy Hive’s Will memories. She just pops a few caps in his rear end and runs. Science!

Related: Get Caught Up With ‘Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.’ With Our Recaps

[Whispers] Hail Hydra

“Cut off one head, two more shall take its place!” is a familiar refrain in Earth-616 (the main reality of the comics). Hydra has been around since the mid-60s and is often the go-to when a story calls for a criminal organization with near-limitless resources. But is this the last of Hydra in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (Earth-199999, if you must know)? Their bases have been destroyed and their mystical/religious reason for being is now gone/fulfilled. Does the MCU still need them? Or will a few stray parasites escape after S.H.I.E.L.D. takes out Hive in the season finale and reform Hydra under Zombie John Garrett?


Inside Comics Moment

There is no James in the comics with the power to make things explode — his power actually most closely mimics the mutant Gambit, who is currently under Fox’s X-Men franchise. However, there is a character, Nitro, who uses his explosive powers to take out six city blocks including an elementary school. It’s the inciting event of Civil War, which is kind of funny because Captain America: Civil War comes out in ten days. Are we a week away from the biggest movie/TV crossover since Season 1 of Agents? Or the biggest missed opportunity since the show began?

S.H.I.E.L.D.ed Thoughts

* Line of the Night: “No one comes to me with their feelings.” “Yeah, that makes sense.” The thing about May is she knows her limitations.

* Gadget of the Night: “I thought it’d be cool if the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. had a shield.” Coulson adding new toys to his hand will never get old. You hear that, Agents writers? NEVER.

* Double Takes: Orphan Black visited a transhuman club this season too, and they had a guy with a tail, so Agents: 0, Orphan Black: 1. That being said, Marvel’s Hive is cooler than Arrow’s H.I.V.E., so Agents: 1, Orphan Black: 1, Arrow: 0. Any other weird parallels in the sci-fi/comic book shows this season?

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. airs Tuesdays at 9 p.m. on ABC.