'Texas Rising': Who's Who (and Who They're Playing) on History's Texas Revolution Miniseries

Which Texas Ranger hero once ate 27 eggs after a long jaunt to El Paso? Which military leader’s cork leg can you visit at an Illinois museum? And which veteran of the Texas war for independence from Mexico helped foster the founding of two major Texas universities? Click through this slideshow for the scoop on the real stories behind the men and women who helped win the Texas Revolution in History's five-night miniseries Texas Rising. Ray Liotta, Brendan Fraser, Jeremy Davies, Thomas Jane, Robert Knepper, and Trevor Donovan are also among the men who helped win the war… the fictional men, for the purposes of this all-star lineup.

Texas Rising premieres May 25 at 9 p.m. on History. Nights 2 through 5 air May 26, June 1, June 8, and June 15.