This Blog Shows the Real World, from a Bird's-Eye View

olio ataxia
olio ataxia

(Photo: Mukesh Gupta via Olio Ataxia)

It’s debatable whether Olio Ataxia: an Accumulation of Miscellany is really a travel Tumblr. You wouldn’t want to travel to some of the disaster-stricken locations that the blog features with larger-than-life photos, including the recent volcano eruption in Japan and an ebola victim being buried in Sierra Leone. But there’s a common theme of curiosity in the blog, typified by the many aerial photos looking way down on their subjects, such as a human pyramid in Mumbai. Claire, the South African who curates the blog, shows an interest in the entire world, warts and all. That sounds like a travel blog to us, and it speaks more than a bunch of pretty beach photos.

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