Tumblr of the Day: Toronto Food Photographer

Peter Chou calls himself “Toronto food photographer,” and yes, you will find photos of food on his blog—bright-red berries, crumbly pie crusts, lazy-afternoon coffee in muted tones—often with a vintage feel. It’s a delightful way to get a sense of Toronto’s finer points, especially where all things culinary are concerned. But many of these little scenes are from other parts of the world, and many don’t involve food at all. (One shot, for example, shows the oddities on display outside a shop window in Istanbul.)

More than anything, this is a lavish how-to course in that most difficult of travel photography tasks: the close-up. His focus atop the Empire State Building, for example, is not the panorama of spiky skyscrapers below but a tourist standing half-hidden behind one of those coin-fed viewing machines. Chou graces even cutlery and dishware with loving attention, making them feel as monumental as mountains.