The Soarigami and Other Seriously Annoying Airplane Devices


Will this change everything? (Photo: Soarigami)

It seems like only yesterday we were little kids fighting with our siblings in the backseat because he/she dared to cross onto “my side.” Now, we’re grownups fighting with our seat-mates because he/she crossed onto our armrest.

A new product aims to put an end to such airborne armrest conflicts. Soarigami — an airborne variation on “origami” — is a device that claims to give neighboring passengers ample space on a single armrest.

The Soarigami is just the latest unique in-flight product that gives us pause, and sometimes annoy us. Here are the Top 5:

1. Soarigami


Is it enough? (Photo: Soarigami)

While the Soarigami is a well-intended device, we have to admit: walking onto to an airplane to find a seat-mate so concerned with the proper distribution of armrest space that he/she went out and bought a product to manage it does not fill us with optimism about a pleasant flight.

2. Skyrest


Part of us loves this. Part of us hates this. (Photo: Skyrest)

An inflatable desk-like object on which you can rest your weary head during a flight. Yes, it looks useful but it also looks weird. Don’t be the weird guy on the plane. No one likes the weird guy on the plane.

3. Mobile games


Nothing makes a flight go faster than Fruit Ninja. (Photo: Fruit Ninja)

These aren’t necessarily airplane device. But nowadays it’s the rare flight where our peace isn’t interrupted by the “dings!,” “zings!,” and other noises made by a passenger playing Fruit Ninja or Candy Crush with the volume way up.

4. Ellessco Masks


You can learn so much about your seat-mate by the print of their germ mask. (Photo: Ellessco)

We’re not going to get into whether these things are medically necessary: if you fear germs that much, go ahead and cover up. But do your masks need to be decorative? Wearing a camouflage face mask doesn’t make you look careful; it makes you look creepy.

5. Gas-B-Gon Flatulence Cushion


The cushions are available in all kinds of decorative styles (Photo: Gas-B-Gon)

Again, not making any judgments on how effective these fat filters may/may not be. But if the person you’re sitting next to on a flight whips out one of these bad boys, it’s safe to say you’ve lost the Airplane Seat Lottery in the worst (and smelliest) way.

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