Spotted By Locals Deals Insider Tips to Visitors

The best way to experience any new place is by talking to a local, right? That’s the idea behind Spotted By Locals, which selects opinionated experts, called “Spotters,” to give their thoughts on everything from restaurants to modes of transportation in the cities where they live.

Since it’s more of a blog than a static site, Spotted by Locals tends to have an immediate, up-to-date feel — and that’s the point. Founders Sanne and Bart van Poll were disappointed by the touristy and often outdated information they found in many travel guides and set out to do something different, starting with their home city of Amsterdam in 2008.

The site’s downloadable city guides (they’re now up to 56 in Europe and the U.S.) are also available as printable PDFs or Apple or Android phone apps. While the apps are not free (they cost $3.99 each), they’re completely downloadable, which means you won’t need a data or Internet connection to read them.