Five Miles Up with ... Bob Harper

Y! Travel shares an armrest for a chat about escargot, crossfit, and Viking refrigerator magnets

In his new book, "The Skinny Rules," Bob Harper, trainer extraordinaire for the NBC series "The Biggest Loser," sings dietary praises of espresso and red wine. What other surprises might one discover about Harper’s diet and exercise regime when he’s on the road? One thing he won’t be eating … escargot.

What’s something you never fail to pack in your suitcase?
My camera, I have a Leica M9P. It’s my life-support system.

Carry-on or check-in?

I never check in unless absolutely necessary. It’s such a waste of time, it drives me nuts. When I travel, I’ll have a change of underwear and socks and pretty much wear the same clothes.

Window or aisle?

What’s in your brown bag?

I’m always going to have protein and vegetables. For a snack, I carry some nuts, beef or turkey jerky.

Do you workout when you travel? How do you fit workouts in while traveling?
Working out is a stress reliever for me. I want to get my workout done in the morning, then have the rest of my day. If I don’t have a good gym in my hotel, I make sure to find a crossfit gym nearby.

What’s the silliest souvenir you ever came back with?
I don’t buy little tchotchkes when I travel. One I loved that I got from a friend who traveled to Sweden was this refrigerator magnet of a Viking. It was on my microwave, so I’d see it everyday. It just broke recently and that made me really sad.

Ever try a food that you wished you hadn't?

Escargot. I still have nightmares about that in my mouth. I could swear I felt the tentacles.

What's the one thing you're willing to splurge on above all else?

When I’m away from home – which I never want to be away from  – I like to stay in a nice hotel that’s really comfortable.

Favorite hotel, resort or yurt you've ever stayed in?

I’ve got three. Las Ventanas al Paraiso in Los Cabos, Mexico. I’m going there in a couple of months. In New York, I only stay at the Mercer. In Paris, I only stay at the Plaza Athénée.

What’s your idea of the perfect vacation?

Paris. One of my favorite places in the entire world. Everyone wants to lie on the beach somewhere and I get that. I want to be in a city, have my camera and travel all through city and take really great photographs.

What's the biggest regret you've ever had while on vacation?

After doing some shopping on a trip, I left my store bags in the room and one of the housekeepers thought there was trash in them and threw them away. That was a real bummer.

Three songs on your travel playlist?

Right now, I’m obsessed with Florence + the Machine. I just saw Coldplay, too, and they’re back on my heavy rotation.

You only get one more trip in your lifetime. Where will it be?
Paris. The first thing I’d do is have lunch at a little place called L’Avenue. Then I’d get on the metro, go to Versailles and spend the day there.