Oh Kim, You Minx! North Korea Gives Its Tourism Website a Hilarious Makeover

Despite a ban on foreign tourists due to Ebola concerns, North Korea has launched a tourism website, reportedly for would-be Western visitors (though the site is mostly in Korean).

Yes, Kim Jong-un seems to think North Korea is the next hot vacation spot. Surprisingly, it didn’t make Trip Advisor’s annual Destinations on the Rise list.

Related: Go Here Now: the Hottest Destinations for 2015

Though many people don’t actually want to visit North Korea for safety and ethical reasons, Dprktoday.com does give a trippy peek into what Jong-un wants you to think the country is like.

Apparently there are happy children frolicking through the sunflowers. (Dprktoday.com)

Kim Jong-un’s portrait can be seen all over the country, smiling down at tourists. (Dprktoday.com)

Who knew North Korea has a water park - with pyramids? (Dprktoday.com)

North Korea: good times (Dprktoday.com)

A scene from what appears to be a karaoke video on the site. (Dprktoday.com)

And of course… rockets. (Dprktoday.com)

Video: North Korea Launches Tourism Website

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