WATCH: Strutting Travel Agents Score Viral Video Hit With Their Awful-But-Awesome Ad

Experts like to drone on and on about how travel agencies are dying. They somberly predict that the proliferation of online booking and the popularity of travel sites (like, ahem, this one) will deal travel agencies a devastating blow that all but guarantees their demise.

Well, fear not. For we have met the saviors of travel agencies worldwide. And they’re wearing salmon-colored dresses.

Scottish travel agency Thorne Travel has scored a viral video hit with their super-strange and subtly awesome ad. It features a group of Thorne’s agents (eight pink-clad ladies and one fierce guy dressed in a pink tie) strutting down the street to a hard-pumping club beat, each flaunting his/her best, “I- woke-up-like-this” flawlessness.


Last time we saw someone strut with such purpose, “Stayin’ Alive" was playing in the background (Thorne Travel)

[Read this next part in your best Stefon-from-“SNL” voice]: This commercial features everything: flash mobs, brides, a dude in a pink dress doing backflips, Mickey and Minnie Mouse….

WATCH: Stefon Is Back

Our favorite part of the ad: in between their street strutting, the Thorne Agents hand out magic vacation brochures that turn the locals’ drab, black-and-white existences into bright, colorful vacation-fantasies-come-true.

We may laugh at this ad’s brilliant awfulness, but the travel agency is having the laugh last laugh. Sona Thorne, the agency’s manager, tells The Daily Mail that since their video went viral, Thorne’s bookings have increased 110%.

So we salute you glorious ladies (and gentleman) of Thorne. Godspeed on your quest to save travel agencies. May the wind be at your fabulous backs. And may your struts be true.


The pink-clad warriors strut away into the night (Thorne Travel)

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