Caitlyn Jenner and Nadia Comaneci Meet for the First Time After Winning Gold at 1976 Olympics

This is what happens when two Olympic superstars meet for the first time.

While Caitlyn Jenner took home gold in the decathalon at the 1976 games in Montreal, Romanian gymnast Nadia Comaneci received three gold medals of her own, and became the first competitor in Olympic history to score a perfect 10 on the uneven bars.

Though the two former champions have crossed paths a few times at various Olympic events over the years, this was the first time Nadia met Caitlyn.

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"We never actually met at the '76 Games," the 54-year-old gold medalist revealed to ET. "Gymnastics finished before Track and Field started, so I was already gone by the time she competed."

"We mostly talked about how we can't believe it's been 40 years since the Montreal Games, and exchanged information so we can get together again," Nadia continued. "She was even taller as Caitlyn! I always wear big heels, but since she does now too, there is no way I will be able to come close to her height anymore!"

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Height disparity or not, both competitors made quite the name for themselves at the games, which has led to being welcomed with open arms by the Hollywood community. Revealing how fortunate she feels to have achieved the recognition she has, Nadia said she and her husband -- fellow Olympic gymnastics gold medalist Bart Conner -- have "loved being kindly invited to Hollywood events like the 'Gold Meets Golden' party at the Golden Globes, Elton John's Oscar Party, and premieres for sports films" such as Unbroken and Race, the new biopic about Olympian Jesse Owens.

"It's always fun to meet celebrities I love who remember me too, like Salma Hayek, Will Smith and Matt Bomer, and hear their own memories of watching me as kids," she added. "Matt said he used to watch the movie about me as a kid, and when I met Salma at the Globes, she even started crying! It's always an honor for me to meet these people as they inspire me in what they do too."

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This year will mark the 40th anniversary of Nadia's perfect 10, which the athlete says she will celebrate by attending the games in Rio.

"I will be traveling to Rio for the Games this summer and am excited to celebrate with a new generation of athletes," she said. "It sounds like there may be a special party in L.A. or in Rio. I can't believe it's been 40 years!"

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Nadia will be supporting both the United States and Romania at the games, and said she's particularly excited to see American gymnast Simone Biles compete for the first time.

We'll be cheering along with you, Nadia!

Watch below for a clip from season two of I Am Cait.

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