7 Reasons Travel Will Ruin Your Life…In the Best Ways Possible


Once you start traveling, who knows where it will lead? (Photo: iStock/FilippoBacci)

By Meagen Collins and Tom Williams / Backpacking4Beginners.com

So you’re about to go on your first ever trip overseas? Never been out of your home country? About to throw yourself into the great unknown?

Don’t do it!

You might think we are completely insane, but hear us out! Together, we have been to more than 80 countries and have seen many of the wonders of the world. But we are telling you right now: Think twice while you still can, because travel will change you. It will ruin you in ways you can’t even imagine and, very likely, you will never be the same again. If you still insist on seeing the world, proceed with caution because these are seven reasons you should never travel:

1. You will annoy your friends who didn’t go with you.

You won’t realize this before you leave, but once you’ve been traveling for a while, friends will start blocking your Facebook account. No matter that they say they’re happy that you’re having a good time — your beautiful posts will only remind them they’re not traveling too.

The anger/envy isn’t limited to social media either; not only will they have to see your fantastic journey in images you post all over Instagram, but when you return home they’ll have to listen to all the stories of the awesome adventures you had while they went to work and binge-watched a Cake Boss marathon on TV.

2. It will change your view on the world.

When you travel, you inevitably get to see and experience new things — things that were previously accessible only through a TV, computer, or phone screen. You will meet fascinating people from a variety of backgrounds and cultures. You will open your eyes to the astonishing amounts of good in this world — contrary to what most news reports will have you believe abut the world today. Because of all of this and more, you will begin to change the minute you start to travel — is it worth the risk?


You will meet fascinating people from a variety of backgrounds and cultures. You will eat delicious new foods. You will change. (Photo: Backpacking4Beginners.com)

3. You will put yourself in danger of having too much fun.

Control yourself people! Don’t you remember Footloose and the dangers of having too much fun? We were put on this earth to work hard, pay taxes, and die. None of this “fun” mumbo jumbo! But the thing is, by traveling you are instantly putting yourself into a potentially fun situation. Our recommendation: Play it safe and stay at home. Perhaps take up a hobby, like toenail collecting or complaining about politics.

Related: How to Overcome Your Travel Fears

4. You will waste all your spare time daydreaming about, or planning, your next trip.

After you’ve had a taste of travel, you will waste time dreaming about it when you’re really meant to be working or studying — it’s an epidemic! You’ve seen people whose cubicles are covered in pictures of tropical beaches or mountain tops? Yep, they traveled. And look at them now! Daydreamers, escapists, and crazy motivated folk, who care more about travel than work and only use it as a way to save for their next epic adventure.

Related: Expert Tips to Use Pinterest to Plan an Amazing Vacation

5. You could become addicted to collecting new things.

Postcards from every city you visit, fridge magnets, or flags. Patches, maps, or snow globes. One friend of ours is “collecting” World Heritage and UNESCO sites visited. He’s already been to well over 500 — someone help this poor man! Soon he will have visited them all, then what will he do with the rest of his life? He’ll have to do something else travel-related or even “fun” and we all know how dangerous fun is.

6. You will forever be drooling over the memory of amazing food you had while abroad — and that no one seems to make in your home town.

Having your taste buds opened to the culinary delights of the world is not something easily forgotten. As a result, there will be random unexpected moments when you will experience hunger pangs and insatiable desire for that steamed dumpling you had one time in China.


(Photo: Backpacking4Beginners.com)

Or the amazing pizza you tried in Naples Italy, the birthplace of pizza.


(Photo: Backpacking4Beginners.com)

Or worst of all, that delicious curry you ate by the side of the famous Ganges River in Varanasi, India, one the oldest living cities in the whole world.


(Photo: Backpacking4Beginners.com)

Trust us, the memory of these dishes will haunt you for the rest of your life, making your salivary glands go into overdrive every time you get a whiff of a similar smell. And if you do find a comparable dish in your home town, it will just never lives up to the standards you remember — it’s a curse!

Related: Foodie Bucket List: 12 Iconic Restaurants Worth Traveling For

7. You will want to travel forever!

Yes, you will most likely come home on a high, excited and amazed by all you’ve experienced. But then the thought will hit you: “There is still so much to see! I must see it ALL!” And, well, by then it’s too late for you. The travel bug has burrowed itself under your skin, and no amount of ignoring it will get rid of the itch.

So there you have it: seven reasons why you should NEVER travel. All we can do is warn you about this crazy epidemic. We trust you to make up your own minds about travel, but remember you’ve been warned!

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