5 Ways to Travel With Your Friends & Survive It

When you’re traveling with other couples you have to be prepared for other travels styles.

How do you insure that everyone is going to get the most out of a vacation without killing each other?

1. Start with a game plan

This includes the itinerary, budgets, travel styles, who’s taking the photos, and personal needs. Never go on a long trip without discussing expectations first.

2. Voice your must-sees

Pick out the places you need to visit and voice them. As long as they know ahead of time the places you don’t want to miss, you can avoid major disappointments during the trip.

Related: Living the Dream: I Bought an Island with My Friends for Under $10k Each


(Photo: Thinkstock)

3. Be honest about your budget

Money is where most travel-related arguments come from. Talk about how much each person wants to set aside for things like meals, entertainment, and transportation.

4. Split up if you need to

It’s OK if you have different priorities, it’s OK to spend time apart.

5. Take breaks.

Remember vacations are supposed to keep you away from stress.

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