Young Girl Left With iPhone-Shaped Scar After Phone Case Burned Her Skin

Find out the surprisingly common mistake that led her to be scarred for life. ​

From Woman's Day

It's not hard to doze off while browsing the web on your smartphone, but this careless mistake could potentially be very harmful. A little girl from England, for instance, recently woke up to a horrific sight after she had fallen asleep with her iPhone 5c in her bed.

Nine-year-old Olivia Retter sneaked her iPhone into her room one night (her mother, Karly, told the Mirror that she wasn't supposed to be doing that) and fell asleep with her glittery phone case touching her bare leg.

"She woke up in the middle of the night and came into my room and said her leg was hurting – I just thought she was being silly and sent her back to bed," Karly said. "Then in the morning I saw this awful burn on her leg – I was so shocked a phone case could do that."

When Karly took her daughter to the doctor, they had some unfortunate news for the youngster.

"Doctors have said it is a severe chemical burn and she will be scarred for life," Karly said. "I can't believe it, she will have a scar in the shape of a phone on her leg."

Apparently the clear liquid found inside the glitter-filled phone case contained acid, which had leaked out onto Retter's skin and burned her.

"There wasn't a safety warning or anything at all on the case itself – nothing which warns you what was inside is a chemical which can cause serious burns," Karly told the Mirror. "Imagine if it had leaked when Olivia was on the phone or holding it to her face."

According to the company who produces the phone cases, New Look, the products have since been pulled from all shelves.

"New Look has spoken with the customer involved and takes complaints of this nature extremely seriously," the statement said.

With all that said, make sure to keep your phone as far away as possible while you're sleeping.
