Welp, This Google Maps Bug Sure Is Racist!


Say what you will about the shortcomings of Apple Maps –– at least it’s not susceptible to racist vandalism!

A mini-scandal erupted on Tuesday when it was discovered that typing a racial slur in front of “house” in Google Maps would bring up the address of the White House. As The Huffington Post notes, President Barack Obama “is no stranger to Internet racism”; seeing that kind of racism show up on a mapping service, however, is shocking.


Google has since apologized and said it is working to remove the bug. It’s not clear how, exactly, this got past Google’s security team. Earlier this year, a prankster was able to get the search term “Edwards Snow Den” to point to the White House. In that case, according to Marketing Land, the perpetrator registered a fake business called Edwards Snow Den, verified it using his phone number, and then switched it to point to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

The parties responsible for this act of vandalism have yet to come forward.

(via Huffington Post