WATCH: This Pixelated ‘Simpsons’ Intro Is Cooler Than Disco Stu

WATCH: This Pixelated ‘Simpsons’ Intro Is Cooler Than Disco Stu

What’s your favorite version of the opening sequence of The Simpsons? Guillermo del Toro’s insane Treehouse of Terror XXIV? The super depressing Banksy job? The evolution of Homer?

Classics, all of them, but mine might be this new pixelated homage making the viral rounds:

The work is a collaboration between animators Paul Robertson and Ivan Dixon, with a groovy chiptunes take on the Simpsons theme by Jeremy Dower. Robertson is no stranger to this sort of style, having worked as an animator on the pixelly 2012 breakout indie hit Fez.

Though it pretty closely follows the format of the iconic intro, “Simpsons Pixels” tosses in all kinds of nods to video games. A Mario mushroom and a few Pac-Man fruits are swiped during Maggie’s trip down the supermarket conveyor. One of the kids in Lisa’s music class is wearing an Oculus Rift. Go frame by frame and you’ll even catch Superintendent Chalmers holding an NES controller.

It all ends in a bizarre, druggy journey up a Simpsons tower collage. Anyone got a spare toad?

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