Use Siri to See What Flights Are Above You


Siri knows what’s up. Literally.

The sassy Apple personal assistant may have trouble understanding you sometimes, but she still has a couple of cool tricks up her sleeve. Case in point: Ask her, “What flights are above me?” or just say, “Planes overhead.” She’ll bring up a list of all the in-progress flights above your current location.

Let’s try it out, shall we?

First, ask the question. She’ll need to think a bit (and it’s better if she’s connected to WiFi).


Then, out of nowhere, she’ll pull up a nice, clean grid of all the flights zooming around thousands of feet above you. It comes complete with the airline, flight number, altitude, and angle.


Pretty cool. Now if only she could understand what I was saying when I ask for a place to get a good pinot noir.

By the way, If you actually want to visualize each flight above you at any given time, try the Plane Finder AR iOS app. You can hold it up to the sky, and little blue squares with flight information will appear where the planes are actually flying.

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