Instagram In Style With These Two Apps

Ever wonder how the cool kids get their Instagrams to look so fresh? Wonder no longer. Here’s a quick lesson in Insta-swag, free of charge.


This hipcat Instagrammer above (yes, it’s me) has gone with a white, rectangular crop, which does away with the very square look that every other photo in your Instagram feed shows up with. If you want to go rectangular, give the app InstaSize a try (for Android or iOS). InstaSize lets you post full-sized photos to Instagram, without the square crop. Because sometimes, it’s hip not to be square. (Sorry.)

The stylish photog below, meanwhile, has gone with a split picture look, another very fashionable way to Instagram. With Photo Grid (for Android or iOS), you can easily create a two-frame post like this, and also collages that feature plenty more frames.


Now, go forth with these new apps and out Instagram everyone else on your feed.