This Is The Right Way To Wrap Your MacBook Charger

If you’re like me, you’ve spent most of your adult life wrapping your MacBook charger into an ungainly ball that is just as damaging as it is frustrating to untangle. No more, I say. Today I resolve to wrap my charger the way many wise people before me have wrapped it.

First, make sure the little white wings on the side of your charger are folded out. Then, wrap the thick wire around the body of the charger, between the space of the wings.

Then, wrap the thin part of the wire around the edges of the wings, nesting the plug in the center of the adapter. Finally, use the clip at the end of the thin wire to attach it.

This is the finished masterpiece:



Gorgeous, right?

UPDATE: A reader mentioned that this method of cable-wrapping can be harmful to the charger itself. Wired's Roberto Baldwin argues for a natural coil to avoid unnecessary strain. I am willing to take the risk of a more condensed cord situation if it means I can avoid it tangling with other shady stuff swimming in my bag. But hey, to each her own.