This App Will Calculate How Many Pizzas to Order. Mmm, Pizza.

Pizza with one slice made
Pizza with one slice made


We all love pizza (if you don’t, you’re un-American). But knowing how much of it to order for, say, a World Cup viewing party, can sometimes be a complicated mathematical exercise, especially if your judgment is clouded by hunger.

Never fear: An excellent person has solved this common (albeit minor) problem with a new app called the Pizza Counter. It fulfills all your urgent pie-calculating needs, determining exactly how many and what size pizzas you need to get, according to your group’s size and hunger level.

The tool, made by New Jersey-based Web designer Rick Mendes, takes into account three important factors when you’re ordering for a group: everyone’s general level of hunger, the maximum size of pie you can order from the restaurant in question, and how many people will be eating. It’ll also use your location to pull up the closest pizza places nearby.

There’s no need to sign in or hand over personal information (other than your location, if you want to use that tool). Here’s a quick run-through of how it works:

1. Download the app here. It’ll ask to use your location. Allow that if you want the app to retrieve pizza places nearby. I’ve found that this function of the app is a little wonky, so I’d recommend just using it as a calculator.

2. You’ll be brought to a home screen with some numbers on it. The most prominently displayed figure is the recommendation of how many pizzas to order. Below that, there’s a sliding scale for you to indicate how many people are in your group. Slide it to the left and right to see how your order size will change based on the number of people.

Screenshot of app
Screenshot of app

3. You’ll probably notice that the size of the pizza is indicated below the app’s recommendation. To adjust the size of the pizza, or to indicate your party’s appetite, tap on the tool icon in the upper-right corner. Like I said, you can also tap the upper-left corner to find pizza places near you.


4. Inside the settings, you’ll see the list of pie sizes (in inches) that you can choose from. Above that are three icons that help you indicate how badly you need food at that very moment. The baby bird means that you just want to nibble on something, the human says you have a normal appetite, and the dinosaur says you and your friends are ready to demolish whatever delicious food comes your way.

Screenshot of app
Screenshot of app

That’s about it! You’ll notice that there are ads in this app, which is not ideal, but I think it’s ultimately worth it to ensure your party will have enough pizza to go around. The last thing you want is a room full of people with unfulfilled T. Rex appetites on your hands.

(Via The Daily Dot)

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