The Onion’s Fake PicSong App Is a Perfect Parody of Pointless Apps


The Onion’s series of TED Talk parodies is often great, but this new one touting an imaginary app called PicSong is particularly funny and on point.

“Humans are limited to looking at photos with our eyes,” the pompous entrepreneur explains. “That’s a problem, right?” (The TED-esque audience nods in agreement.) PicSong turns photos into music—“if you want to do that for some reason.”

He demonstrates. “Not being able to make music out of your photos is a thing of the past!” Problem solved; life just got better.

He then summarizes a major chunk of the app business in general: “As an innovator, I have one simple goal: To make an app. So I asked myself—what are two separate things? Can I turn one of those things into the other thing?”

As a footnote, if you happen to think this really is a good idea, you may be in luck: I Googled “turn photo into music.” Looks like you may have options, here, here, and here. I didn’t bother to pursue any of these, but you can. If you want to. For some reason.

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