The Best iPhone 6 Clones of 2014

Apple premiered the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus in October, and before we were even trick-or-treating, many desperate gadget makers unveiled phones that looked suspiciously similar.

Here are the worst offenders of iPhone 6 cloning in 2014, the iPhone competitors that flew a little too close to the sun (and then ended up looking exactly like the sun, I guess).

As a refresher, this is what the actual iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus look like.

iPhone 6 and 6 Plus
iPhone 6 and 6 Plus

And now the copycats.

Here’s the Dakelele Big Cola 3, perhaps the only iPhone clone brazen enough to steal the iconic circular home button of the iPhone. You do you, Dakelele!

Dakelele Big Cola 3
Dakelele Big Cola 3

The Oppo R5 is the thinnest phone in the world, as of this December. A lot of people also think it looks like an iPhone!

Oppo R5
Oppo R5

The Huawei Honor 6 Plus not only looks like the iPhone 6 Plus: It’s even called the 6 Plus! Come on, Huawei!

Huawei Honor 6 Plus
Huawei Honor 6 Plus

The Meizu MX4, Engadget tells us, comes with a “2K” screen and something called “Retina sound,” which doesn’t even make sense because you don’t process sound through your retinas. Anyway, this one also looks like a fatter iPhone.

Meizu MX4
Meizu MX4

Here’s the ZTE Q7, which Mobile Burn refers to as “the iPhone 6 Plus Lite.” Now that’s a mobile burn!


Cult of Android points out that the advertising for Lenovo’s Sisley S90, which is apparently the name of a phone, looks a little familiar.

Sisley S90 and iPhone 6 ads
Sisley S90 and iPhone 6 ads
Sisley S90 and iPhone 6 ads
Sisley S90 and iPhone 6 ads

Not to be outdone (by itself), here’s Lenovo’s S60, which Android Headlines says “simply screams” iPhone 5c.

Lenovo's S60 smartphone
Lenovo's S60 smartphone

Finally, because there’s clearly money to be made in cloning the iPhone, several Chinese companies have pioneered the practice of straight-up copying the iPhone 6 and loading it with a version of Android that has been designed to resemble iOS. Here’s the Goophone i6, sure to fool even your most eagle-eyed gadget skeptic friends.

Goophone i6
Goophone i6

Congratulations to every company that shamelessly copied the most successful smartphone in the world this year! May your iPhone 7 clones be just as excellent and un-litigable as your iPhone 6 clones.

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