Tesla already fixed one of the most annoying things about the Model 3

Elon Musk over the weekend laid to rest one of the more concerning features surrounding the company's highly anticipated Model 3 -- the car's trunk design. It's been a few months since the Model 3 was first introduced, but if we go back just a few months, you might recall that the Model 3's trunk design elicited more than a few raised eyebrows this past March.

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Aside from a clunky design that looked haphazardly put together, the actual storage space of the trunk itself was curiously small for a company that prides itself on generous storage space. Jalopnik, not one to mince words, even called the Model 3's trunk design the car's "biggest design fail.”

You can get a better appreciation for the awkward design and the small amount of trunk storage via the video below beginning at about the 3 minutes and 30 seconds mark.


Now, nearly 4 months after the Model 3 was introduced, Musk said that Tesla has fixed the initial design and bestowed it with a bigger trunk opening. Responding to a fan question on Twitter about the topic, Musk quickly responded, "already taken care of."


Indeed, this shouldn't come as much a of a surprise given that Musk this past April signaled Tesla's intention on improving the Model 3's trunk design.


Of course, any concerns about the Model 3 didn't do much to keep reservations at bay. Not even a month after the car was officially introduced, Elon Musk boasted that preorders were steadily approaching 400,00 units.

What's truly fascinating is that so many people were willing to plunk down $1,000 for a reservation when so many questions about the car remain unanswered. For instance, the dash has no instrument cluster and Tesla has indicated that they have no plans to add one. That being the case, many people are speculating that the final Model 3 design will include some sort of HUD on the windshield.

Musk has said that the lack of an instrument cluster will "make sense after part 2 of the Model 3" is unveiled, so hopefully everything will all make sense sooner rather than later.


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See the original version of this article on BGR.com