Tampa visionaries launch app aimed at real-life connections

TAMPA (BLOOM) – In an age dominated by digital interactions and superficial swiping, two visionaries from Tampa, Manny Manzel and Conor Crighton, are trying to redefine how we connect with each other. Their brainchild, Crossed, leverages innovative geo-proximity technology to facilitate meaningful, real-life connections. From friendships to professional opportunities and romantic relationships, Crossed is designed to transcend traditional networking platforms by fostering authenticity and proximity.

What is Crossed?

Crossed is a new app designed to focus on genuine, real-life connections. Unlike traditional dating and networking apps that rely on endless swiping and distant matches, Crossed uses geo-proximity technology to connect users with people they actually cross paths with in their daily lives. Whether you’re looking for friendships, romantic relationships, or professional connections, Crossed helps you meet and interact with people nearby, making it easier to form meaningful relationships. The app also includes features that promote community engagement through local events and activities, creating a more inclusive and supportive social environment.

Bridging the Gap with Geo-Proximity Technology

The inspiration behind Crossed’s geo-proximity technology came from a common frustration: matching with someone only to find they are miles away. This often leads to disappointment and missed opportunities for real-life interactions. By prioritizing matches based on physical proximity, Crossed increases the likelihood of users meeting in person, enhancing the potential for genuine relationships. Beyond one-on-one matches, the platform also encourages users to engage in local events and group activities, creating a more inclusive and supportive community.

Ensuring Safety and Privacy in Real-Time Connections

User safety and privacy are paramount at Crossed. The app incorporates robust user verification through a partnership with Plaid, ensuring authenticity and security. Features like reporting, blocking, privacy controls, and encrypted messaging provide users with a secure and private environment to connect with others in real-time. Crossed’s commitment to user safety ensures peace of mind for its growing community.

Early Stages with Big Dreams

While Crossed is still in its early stages, the team is optimistic about the future. The platform is set to launch publicly, and the founders are confident that success stories will soon follow. The focus has been on building a solid foundation, ensuring a user-friendly, safe, and secure environment conducive to meaningful connections.

Overcoming Challenges and Looking Ahead

Developing and launching Crossed has not been without its challenges. The journey has taught Manny and Conor valuable lessons in resilience and innovation. Listening to feedback and continuously refining the app has been key to overcoming obstacles. As they look ahead, the founders envision Crossed evolving in response to user feedback, with exciting new features and expansions on the horizon.

Local Roots, Global Vision

As a graduate of the University of Tampa, Manny’s local knowledge has significantly influenced the development and rollout of Crossed in Tampa. The city’s vibrant energy and sense of community have fueled their determination to create a platform that resonates with its residents. Manny and Conor are committed to incorporating local events and city hotspots, enhancing connections within this thriving community.

Manny Manzel
Manny Manzel

A Partnership Built on Passion and Collaboration

Manny and Conor’s partnership has been the cornerstone of Crossed’s success. Their clear communication and teamwork have been essential in navigating the complexities of building the app. By empowering their team and fostering a collaborative environment, they have been able to innovate and differentiate themselves in a competitive market.

Conor Crighton
Conor Crighton

Combating Superficiality with Authentic Connections

Crossed is designed to transcend the superficiality of traditional networking platforms. The app emphasizes authenticity and real-world connections, encouraging users to engage with people in their neighborhoods. By keeping pricing fair and removing barriers to entry, Crossed creates an inclusive environment where individuals from all walks of life can connect genuinely.

Lessons Learned on the Entrepreneurial Journey

Manny’s entrepreneurial journey has been marked by valuable lessons. He advises aspiring entrepreneurs to embrace rejection, learn from failure, and view obstacles as opportunities for growth. Flexibility and resilience are essential qualities for navigating the ever-evolving tech industry.

A Vision Rooted in Community and Connection

Conor’s background in the Cayman Islands has deeply influenced his approach to business and interpersonal relationships. Recognizing the challenges of making new connections in a new place, Conor and Manny set out to create a platform that empowers users to build meaningful relationships. Crossed prioritizes user feedback, continuously refining the app to better meet their needs and enhance their experience.

Marketing Strategies and Measuring Success

Crossed’s marketing strategies combine targeted digital advertising, influencer partnerships, and community engagement. The app’s success is measured through both quantitative metrics, like user registrations, and qualitative feedback. The team places a strong emphasis on the quality of connections within the Crossed community, reflecting the app’s core purpose of fostering genuine relationships.

Catering to a Mobile and Connected World

With the rise of remote work and digital nomadism, Crossed offers a unique opportunity for users to connect and build relationships wherever they are. The platform provides a space for users to engage with others who share their interests, passions, and aspirations, regardless of their location.

Building a Vibrant Community

Crossed is more than just a dating app; it’s a platform for sparking real-world connections and meaningful experiences. By fostering a vibrant community, Crossed creates value for its users, encouraging them to “Swipe Less, Live More.”

As Manny and Conor prepare to launch Crossed to the public, their vision of creating a platform that prioritizes authenticity, empathy, and mutual respect is set to revolutionize the landscape of social and professional networking.

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