
  • NewsLiz Goodwin

    Carly Fiorina is about to go from debate darling to political bull’s-eye

    Carly Fiorina took a big victory lap after her stunning debate performance Wednesday. Fiorina’s Republican rivals — most of whom have been complimentary of her, with the exception of Donald Trump — are no doubt digging for oppo on the former Hewlett-Packard CEO and formulating plans of attack. When Fiorina ran against California Sen. Barbara Boxer in 2010 — her first ever foray into politics — Boxer’s team looked long and hard for an angle of attack that would work against the surprisingly str

  • NewsLiz Goodwin

    Carly the Communicator

    In her impressive debate performance Wednesday night, former HP CEO Carly Fiorina deftly managed to back-foot the shameless Donald Trump for his jab at her looks, smoothly describe the geopolitics of the Middle East, and somehow link Iran and Planned Parenthood as two issues of “character” for the nation that garnered one of the loudest applause lines of the night. Fiorina dominated the debate with a fluency and confidence that many of her rivals, far more seasoned in politics, were not able to